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Where Our Consultants Work

A Letter from Our President

To Whom It May Concern:

East Bridge Consultancy’s mission has always been the same: to drive extremely high-quality work for our clients while educating and developing the next class of world-class consultants, bankers, designers, advertisers, and analysts.  

The firm acts as a sub-organization within Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity and typically contains 40 student consultants. Alpha Kappa Psi typically interviews 250 students per semester and takes 25 for the new pledge class. East Bridge has a separate interview process within Alpha Kappa Psi and typically interviews 10 candidates and takes 5 each semester. This extremely competitive process is what makes our consultants top-notch and why we drive insights with so much passion. Within the firm, brothers push each other to be the best we can be at all times. This creates a culture where quality and care are of the utmost importance. We strive to mentor younger members of the firm to become the next generation of consultants. 

We believe this culture is the reason we send consultants to Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, McKinsey & Company, Deloitte Consulting, Accenture, and a number of other elite consultancies every year. We also have students specialized in finance, marketing, and data analytics that go on to represent us at Uber, Goldman Sachs, and Barclays. The best part is that we are offering the work of these great consultants at little to no cost. 

We believe that using our methodology we can help your business drive solutions and change. We offer a wide variety of capabilities ranging from advertising analytics to expansion methodology and market research. We have been using the same combination of our problem-solving techniques for years to effectively analyze issues for our clients. 

We are always willing to go the extra mile for our client and we thank you for considering working with us. We build on our foundation of excellence by consistently increasing our capabilities and field of expertise year after year to give the best results to our clients. While we have a proud tradition at East Bridge Consultancy, we come into each new semester excited to work with each new client and we hope you will be next.


Alex Hofferth